Academic Support
Delaware County Community College has committed to helping students achieve success in their college experience by educating students to take responsibility for their education and their lives. In the area of academic success, the College provides valuable resources, support, and services that enable students to achieve and exceed their educational objectives.
Several College committees work to continuously improve and add programs and services for students.Â
Act 101 Program
Act 101 is a state-funded program for educationally underprepared and economically disadvantaged Pennsylvania residents. During the summer, Act 101 offers an intensive seven-week program of free transitional courses that help to make the start of college life a smooth and meaningful experience. During the fall and spring semesters, the program offers professional counseling, tutoring (in reading, writing, mathematics and other subjects) and study skill workshops. Learn more >>
Computing Resources
The Office of Information Technology's (OIT) mission is to provide technical innovation and quality support for computer, network and telecommunication services enabling the students, faculty and staff of Delaware County Community College to meet effectively the goals of a student success-oriented community. OIT works collaboratively and continuously with the campus community to evaluate emerging technologies and to determine how they may best be leveraged to achieve the College’s overall evolving objectives. Learn more >>
Counseling Services
The College maintains a comprehensive Career and Counseling Center that offers the following services to students:
- Academic advising
- Short-term personal and career counseling
- Career related workshops
- An extensive library of career and educational resources
Counseling is offered for educational, career and personal development. Counselors can also assist with academic problems, selection of an academic major, and with personal concerns that may interfere with academic progress. Learn more >>
Learning Commons at Branch Locations
At the College, Learning Commons at Branch Locations provide students with academic support that enables them to be successful in their classes via peer tutoring, testing services and by providing numerous instructional resources. Instructional Assistants help students in using technology efficiently and effectively, by providing an environment that is engaging, supporting and challenging. Learn more >>
Students with Disabilities
Delaware County Community College welcomes all qualified students with disabilities. Learn more >>
Tutoring Services is available to all enrolled students to support, strengthen, and motivate those individuals to achieve academic success in the pursuit of their educational goals. This support service occurs through individualized and/or small group tutoring sessions in a variety of subjects. Learn more >>
Veterans Services
Delaware County Community College welcomes Veterans! In an effort to provide increased services and educational assistance to our U.S. Veterans, Delaware County Community College has established a Veterans Services Center to coordinate better its veterans outreach and educational support services. These services include information and referral services, assistance with financial aid application and veterans’ benefits, and evaluation of military transcripts for college credit.
Office of First-Generation Student Success (FGSS)
A first-generation student is any student whose parents/guardians have not completed a four-year college (Bachelor's) degree. The goal of our office is to provide services to support students in navigating campus resources and developing skills to increase academic success and graduation. As a first-generation student you are eligible to meet with a coach who can help you create a success plan tailored to your needs. Your coach will help you learn to utilize your strengths, develop your skills and balance your schoolwork with your other responsibilities in a way that can maximize your academic success. Learn more >>